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In line with the Government vision for all services for children and young people, the Trustees and all Westminster Academy staff recognise that children have a fundamental right to learn in a safe environment and to be protected from harm. Young people are less likely to learn effectively and go on to lead positive and independent lives if they are not kept healthy and safe. The Academy is therefore committed to providing an environment which is safe and where the welfare of each child is of paramount importance. This will include a commitment to ensuring that all students feel confident that any concerns they may have will be listened to and acted upon.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr John Noel (Vice Principal - Pastoral Care).  Our Deputy DSL are Mr Paul Mulvihill (Assistant Vice Principal), Ms Jacqueline Tsoi (Assistant Vice Principal), Mr Anthony Mykoo (Pastoral and Behaviour Team Leader) and Miss Hana Chaiba (Student Medical Officer).

Our Safeguarding Policy can be found below.