WA Sport
We all know the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. The numerous opportunities provided by our PE department also help boost students' self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience, as well as being lots of fun! WA also holds a Healthy Schools London Gold Award. We offer:
Core PE lessons every week from Year 7 to Year 13
BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Sport, Activity and Fitness at key stage 4
A comprehensive sports extra-curricular activities programme, including inter-house competitions
Trishan Patel football mentoring
Greenhouse Sports basketball coaching and mentoring
Greenhouse Sports table tennis coaching and mentoring
Sports Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA)
We run sports clubs every day, before school, during lunch and after school. These change every season. Our teams work hard, improving strength and skills, training for participation in local league and Westminster Sports Unit fixtures, as well as enjoying healthy activities with friends.
The schedule for spring 2024-25 sports ECA can be found here.
Greenhouse Sports
WA students benefit from specialised basketball and table tennis coaching and mentoring with our Greenhouse Sports coaches.
We are proud to have seen students develop through these dedicated programmes of training and mentoring, and experience individual success - with students being called up for the Basketball England Talent Programme selection camp in 2022, plus team success - with both our U14 Girls and U16 Boys teams winning the LBA Westminster league in 2022, and both our U14 Girls and U14 Boys being crowned Westminster Champions in 2024. At the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year, three of our basketball teams became Westminster 3x3 mid-season champions. Read more here!
Get inspired!
We encourage all students to take up a sports club or join our inter-house teams. Take a look at our Sports ECA schedule or speak to your PE teacher about the opportunities on offer.
Students can find local sports clubs and activities through the BBC Get Inspired pages.
Find out more about sports and leisure activities and facilities in Westminster through Active Westminster.
Useful information
To find out about our PE curriculum, please visit the Curriculum page.
Our PE uniform and expectations can be found here.
Students wishing to attend a lunch club are required to bring their black trainers to school and are reminded to collect a cold lunch.
Community use: Everyone Active
Our sports centre and facilities are located at Academy Sport, which is available for community use outside of school hours and is managed by Everyone Active. You can find out more and make bookings on their website, here, or call them directly via 020 37477771.