Personal Tutors

Each WA student belongs to a House and Tutor Group. Tutor Groups are led by Personal Tutors, who students see every day for Personal Development. Personal Tutors are always the first point of contact for parents and carers who have a query regarding their child.

Year 7 Team

Year Coordinator Ms S Ingram
7A/NWI Ms N Wichitsin
7A/NZA Ms N Ahmed
7F/CSO Ms C Soler-Boix
7F/PSE Ms P Sweeny-Ellis
7M/DJO Mr D Johnson
7M/JSA Ms J Sandles
7T/NSA Ms N Saraf


Year 8 Team

Year Coordinator Mr H Smith
8A/KLE Ms K Lehmann
8A/NRA Ms N Rahman
8F/SJ Mr S Jaber
8M/AMA Ms A Mair
8M/ORT Ms Y Orton
8T/MSB Mr M Stuart-Bourne
8T/NBH Ms N Benhalima


Year 9 Team

Year Coordinator Ms T Reid
9A/ACI Ms A Cissako
9A/MCN Ms M Chen
9F/ELA Ms E Langsworthy
9F/JSC Ms J Scott
9M/DPE Mr D Pereira
9M/SKH Ms S Khanom
9T/MF Ms. M Fernandez
9T/SAG Ms S Agarwal


Year 10 Team

Year Coordinator Ms L Neil
10A/CJZ Ms C Jerez de la Pena
10A/NJE Mr N Jebari
10F/BL Mr B Law Smith
10F/YCH Mr Y Chabibi
10M/SBE Ms S Begum
10T/OSA Mr O Salih
10T/SAK Mr S Ahmed Khan


Year 11 Team

Year Coordinator Ms E Anthony
11A/GH Ms I Hilliard
11A/RJO Mr R Jones
11F/KHO Ms K Holmes
11F/RDO Ms R Domingo Roige
11M/WGL Mr W Glydon
11T/LBL Ms L Bouhali


Sixth Form Team

Associate Assistant Vice Principal - Director of Progression for Sixth Form Ms A Shakya
12A/LST Mr L Stefanile
12F/LWA Mr L Walsh
12M/SEL Ms S Elgueta
12T/SI Ms S Ibrahim
13A/ARU Ms A Rudra
13F/EBO Mr E Bonfrate
13M/DV Mr D Vardularkis
13T/SAB Ms S Abouchitaa


Parents and carers can ask their child for their tutor's email address, or contact us using our contact form.